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Does automatic welding equipment produce harmful gases?

2021-11-24 09:44

Does automatic welding equipment produce harmful gases? What harm does it do to human body? With the rapid development of science and technology and social economy, various fields are also accelerating transformation and upgrading, automatic welding equipment is used to replace the traditional welding machine. In order to improve welding efficiency on the basis of quality assurance, enterprises use automatic welding equipment in the production shop will also generate gas. Whether or not these gases are harmful to humans is of greater concern to us.

What are the harmful gases produced in traditional welding operations? In traditional welding operations, the electrode is used as a welding material. In the process of electrode combustion, high temperature and strong ultraviolet radiation generated by welding arc will produce a lot of harmful gases, including ozone, carbon monoxide, hydrogen fluoride, manganese dioxide and so on.

1. The ozone. Ozone generated by traditional welding operations is generally lower than the national standard, but the welding operations of enterprises are generally completed in the workshop, ventilation conditions are not very good. Cold weather can easily create enclosed Spaces. Long-term inhalation of ozone can cause respiratory damage.

Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide, a common harmful gas, is produced by high-temperature decomposition of arc during welding operation. After the human body is inhaled, it will react with hemoglobin and cause damage to human tissues.

Hydrofluorination. It is a corrosive gas that can cause damage to the respiratory system. Long-term inhalation can cause toxic effects on the human body.

In traditional welding operations, welding is done manually. Although protective equipment is used in welding operations, close contact can still produce harmful gases. Long-term inhalation may cause occupational hazards and economic losses to enterprises.

Automatic welding equipment adopts CO2 inert gas, laser and other welding. Welding process is not easy to reaction, do not need personnel participation. During welding operation, personnel should stay away from welding range and use teaching AIDS pendant for remote monitoring and operation. Little harm to human body.

The gas produced by automatic welding equipment is difficult to cause harm to human body and prevent occupational diseases. Therefore, the use of automatic welding equipment to replace the traditional welding machine is a trend. If you need automatic welding equipment, please consult online.