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Operation and maintenance of ultrasonic welding equipment

2021-11-24 09:35

When ultrasonic waves are applied to thermoplastic contact surfaces, tens of thousands of high-frequency vibrations are generated per second. This high-frequency vibration with a certain amplitude transmits ultrasonic energy through the upper weldment to the welding area. Due to the two welding zones, the acoustic resistance at each welding interface is large, so local high temperature will be generated. This is the welding principle of ultrasonic welding equipment. About how to operate and maintain, I will explain to you today. I hope this is helpful.

Ultrasonic welding machine operation process:

1. Plug in the power supply and turn on the power switch of the controller enclosure. If the power indicator is on, it indicates that the power supply is properly connected. If the indicator light is off, check the power cable.

2. Do not allow the transducer to be idle and connected to the generator for a long time, otherwise it is easy to generate heat and damage the transducer;

3. During normal welding, the welding specimen is clamped on the welding fixture, and the green button is pressed for welding. Before welding, tighten each connection part, and do not allow shaking;

4. Power, time and pressure are three important factors in a welding system. Different specifications of the workpiece can be adjusted according to different power, time and pressure repeatedly, to achieve a good welding process. Shut down the device after use. The switch. The above is the operation process of ultrasonic welding machine. In general, ultrasound equipment can follow this procedure.

Maintenance of ultrasonic welding equipment:

1. Always keep the welding joint, lower die and working object clean;

2. Regularly check whether the cable connector is loose. If so, tighten it in time.

3. Wipe the equipment regularly, do not use liquid for cleaning, do not put heavy objects or liquid on the top of the main vibration box;

4. Keep the air in the workplace smooth, and the ambient temperature should not be too high. Air cooling can be used;

5. Lubricate the lifting groove and screws regularly to keep them clean and lubricated;

6. When moving the machine, the vibration box should be handled separately from the fuselage, and be careful when handling;

7. When the equipment is not in use for a long time, wipe the appearance of the machine, add oil for maintenance, and put the lid on the dry and ventilated place;

8. If the welding head of ultrasonic plastic welder cracks, please replace it in time to avoid damage to the main box parts;

9. Intermittently press the ultrasonic detection button, do not continuously press more than 3 seconds, in order to maintain the vibrator life;

10. Do not go beyond the red zone when the vibrometer is running. If the indicator exceeds, reduce the number of pressure and output stages;

11. Vibration of high voltage line in the main box of ultrasonic plastic welding machine. Non-professionals are not allowed to repair the machine;

12. The grounding cable of the equipment must be grounded and cannot be connected with the grounding cable of the power supply to prevent high voltage leakage.

The above procedure is the operation and maintenance process of ultrasonic welding equipment. Customers can timely maintenance of the machine, prolong the service life of equipment. If there is an equipment failure that cannot be solved by yourself, you still need to find a professional manufacturer for after-sales service.